Road traffic polutant emission calculator

Kalkulator emisije polutanata u cestovnom prometu

Kalkulator sam napravio prema EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019 - Update Oct. 2021. u izdanju European Environment Agency. Kalkulator je za sada posve jednostavan, uzima samo neku srednju potrošnju goriva po tipu vozila i vrsti goriva (benzin - dizel), ne uzimajući u obzir brzinu te stanje i kvalitetu kolnika.
Podatke o indirektnim emisijama stakleničkih plinova izraženih kao ekvivalent CO2 električnih vozila našao sam u dokumentu The 21st Century Electric Car u izdanju Tesla Motors od 9.10.2006.

Koristiš na vlastitu odgovornost, za posljedice ne odgovaram!

Road traffic pollutant emission calculator

I made the calculator according to EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019 - Update Oct. 2021 published by the European Environment Agency. The calculator is completely simple for now, it only takes average fuel consumption by vehicle type and fuel type (gasoline - diesel), not taking into account speed and road condition and quality.
I found the electric vehicles indirect greenhouse gases emissions data expressed as equivalent CO2 in the document The 21st Century Electric Car published by Tesla Motors from October 9, 2006.

Use at your own risk, I am not responsible for the consequences!

Ulazni parametri / Input parameters

Podatci o vozilima / Vehicle data

Tip / Type Broj / Number % diesel1
1. Osobna / Personal: %
2. Laka komerc. / Light commerc.: %
3. Teška komerc. / Heavy commerc.: 100 %
4. Laka vozila / Light vehicles2: 0 %
5. Električna / Electric3: 0 %
1 Prema podatcima Centra za vozila iz 2021., omjer benzinaca i dizelaša u Hrvatskoj je 65:35%. Nisam našao podatke o odnosu benzinaca i dizelaša među lakim komercijalnim vozilima.
2 U laka vozila spadaju motocikli, mopedi, quadovi i sl.
3 Uzimamo da su sva električna vozila osobna vozila.
1 According to data from Centra za vozila from 2021, the ratio of gasoline and diesel vehicles in Croatia is 65:35%. I did not find data on the ratio of gasoline and diesel engines among light commercial vehicles.
2 Light vehicles include motorcycles, mopeds, quads, etc.
3 We assume that all electric vehicles are personal vehicles.

Podatci o prometnici / Podatci o prometnici:

1. Duljina / Lenght4: km
4 Koristi decimalnu točku umjesto zareza (.)! Use decimal point (.)!

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